Friday, April 16, 2010

Blog Button!

I finally got around to making a button for my blog! And since I see us as more than just reviewer/publicist, I borrowed the title of my Book Blogs group to remind you that we're friends who share a love of books.

The code box is on the right sidebar. I would be oh so honored if my button found a little home on each of your blogs!


Libby's Library said...

Grabbed it:-)

Michelle Stockard Miller said...

Nice button! I'm putting it on my left sidebar with my other buttons.

I'm almost done with Live a Life You Love. Sorry it's taking me so long. I've been bombarded with review books in the past couple of months. Plus, I've been sick and I'm in the last few weeks of Spring semester. I know...blah, blah, blah! I'm behind on reviews, but I've set a goal to get everything reviewed by the end of next week.

Hope you have a great weekend!

Unknown said...

adding it right now.

April said...

Awesome, Lisa! I love it and will add it to Cafe of Dreams! I think I am developing a blog button addiction, lol.

Gayla said...

I added your button to my blog and love it! I haven't quite got my blog up and going yet---a little lost on how to get that first entry going...ha ha. The first one is always tough.
I truly need to get this first review posted and struggling. My goal is to have it posted tomorrow, at the latest.

You have really done such a great job with the blog, the group and your new button...proud of you!

Take good care,